Cyber Security

Cyberthreats are everywhere. External. Internal. When it comes to security and compliance, we’ve got your back.

Prevent Account Takeover

Safeguard the identity of your employees, consumers, and suppliers

Stay one step ahead of attackers attempting an account takeover

Monitor your email domains for exposure

Add one or more of your email domains to a credential exposure watchlist.

Whenever a service is breached or exposes user credentials, there’s a chance your organization’s username and password combination could be among the leaked data. Ordinarily, there’s little chance to monitor leaked data across the various marketplaces, including on the dark web.

Get notified about leaked credentials

Get notified when your credentials are found in a data leak.

Time is of the essence when it comes to reacting to potential threats. With Identity Monitor, you‘ll get notified about your credentials appearing in a data leak as soon as we identify it. This allows you to immediately act upon the information, reset passwords, and possibly inspect recent logins.

Reset passwords before they can be misused

Force a password reset for at-risk accounts before they become a vector of attack to your assets.

When you get notified about your monitored domains appearing in a data leak, you have a chance to prevent attackers using legitimate credentials to enter your systems. Force a password reset for the affected accounts and the leaked credentials will be useless in the hands of the attackers.

For best practice, educate your users about unique passwords and using a password manager. A data breach and credential exposure show the threat is real—it’s not just theoretical.


Cybersecurity Skilling Platform

Attacks like SolarWinds have revealed a hole in our defenses. With software updates on user machines, servers, and other portions of the network becoming a regular occurrence, a compromised update is a new and dangerous entry mechanism into your network.

With this in mind we are excited to introduce our latest vendor CyberBit. Cyberbit is the world’s leading provider of cyber skill development platforms. Cyberbit addresses one of the most acute cybersecurity challenges: preparing cybersecurity teams for attacks. The Cyberbit platform delivers a “Zero to Hero” skilling, training, and assessment solution on-demand dramatically increasing security team performance, improving teamwork, and improving evaluation, hiring, and certification processes. Customers include leading Fortune 500 companies, MSSPs, system integrators, academies and governments across 5 continents


The Complete Cyber Skills Development Cycle

Building your cybersecurity team’s skills starts with foundational building blocks: technical skills, tools, attacker tactics, soft skills and more. Each of our cyber labs delivers a specific building block to build individual skills in shorter training sessions.

Following individual completion of Cyber Labs your team be prepared with a robust foundation, allowing them to proceed to live-fire cyber range exercises where they will practice and apply these skills as a team, in real-world, simulated incidents.

Cyber Labs for Any Role and Expertise

New attacker techniques are discovered every week, new tools are released and updated, and you cannot afford to stay behind. Cyberbit Labs your team develops and maintains the skills they need, for any role or experience level, from the basics of network protocols to advanced threat hunting techniques.

Learn on the Tools You Actually Use

Cyber Labs incorporate commercial security tools including SIEMs, firewalls, network analysis, and endpoint security tools, to ensure your team knows how to properly deploy, manage, and configure your security stack.

Get Your Team Operational with Learning Paths

Curated learning paths give you the power to run complete training programs by combining Cyber Labs and live-fire Cyber Range exercises into a trackable framework for any topic or role. Slash the time needed to certify your team members, deepen and enrich their knowledge in critical topics, and ensure they have the required skills to excel in any role with a wide selection of pre-built learning paths.

Assess and Benchmark Your Team

Continuous assessment builds your team skills faster. Cyberbit Labs provide automated and actionable feedback so you can instantly benchmark your team and track performance for individuals, teams, and across your entire organization.

Integrated with NIST CSF, NICE, and MITRE ATT&CK

Cyberbit integrates key industry frameworks such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), NICE Work Roles, NICE Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs), and the MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise Framework to ensure your team is aligned to industry best practices. NIST CSF Integration: Follow incident response best practices
Qualify teams by roles and skills with NICE Work Role and KSA integration. Make sure individuals and teams have covered the full range of MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques in their training, and track their progress.

Deceptive Bytes

Active Endpoint Cyber Defense

Prevention by Deception

In an ever growing advanced threat landscape, one solution is making a difference.

Providing a multi-stage protection that dynamically responds to threats as they evolve and beats the bad guys in their own game!

Deceptive Bytes provides an innovative solution against threats in enterprises’ most critical and exposed assets, their endpoints!  The solution creates dynamic & deceptive information which interferes with any attempt to recon the environment and deters the malware from executing its malicious intents, through all the stages of compromise in the Attack Kill Chain – covering advanced & sophisticated malware techniques, constantly making sure all the endpoints & data in the enterprise are secured.


✓ Prevents unknown and sophisticated threats
✓ Very high prevention and detection rates
✓ Real time detection & response


✓ System-wide protection with pinpoint handling
✓ Deploys in seconds & Easy to operate
✓ Low resource usage (CPU, memory & disk


✓ NO constant updates
✓ Operates in stand-alone/disconnected & VDI environments
✓ Stops millions of threats using only 1 evasion technique


✓ High stability – operates in User-mode
✓ Triggering high-fidelity alerts
✓ Low to non-existing false positive rate


TitanHQ specializes in providing cybersecurity solutions, particularly through a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform. Product offerings are designed to protect businesses from various online threats such as phishing, malware, spam, and ransomware.

✓ Phishing and Malware Prevention
✓ Email Phishing Protection
✓ Triple Threat Protection

✓ Email Anti Spam Solution
✓ DNS Threat Protection and Content Filtering
✓ Email Archiving for M365

SaaS Cybersecurity Platform for MSPs

Best-in-class SaaS cybersecurity platform provides layered security for MSPs to prevent user vulnerability and generate recurring revenue from SMBs customers. TitanHQ solutions help MSPs scale while maintaining margins. Watch how this MSP achieved significant growth with TitanHQ

Advanced Phishing and BEC Protection

PhishTitan is a next-generation phishing protection and remediation solution that integrates directly with Microsoft 365, catching and remediating sophisticated phishing attacks Microsoft misses. Post-delivery remediation (PDR) allows you to remove all phishing emails from your user’s inbox, removing risk instantly. Our curated and unique email threat intelligence data is unmatched in visibility, coverage, and accuracy.

Threat Intelligence

Phishing protection using AI and a large language model (LLM) with proprietary threat intelligence currently not found in any other anti-phishing solution on the market from the leading cloud-based email security solutions provider for over 20 years. Unbeatable anti-phishing accuracy for zero-day attacks, with minimal false positive results.